Live Your Best Life Now

The Key To Success Is Within You

We have taken our highly successful Trail of the Heart personal development program and made it accessible online for so many people to embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth!

Offering a structured approach, step-by-step guidance, and accessibility will truly empower you to uncover your potential and make positive changes in your life.

The Trail of the Heart program will cover essential aspects of personal growth: identifying barriers, clarifying goals, and creating actionable plans. Having these tools in an online format makes it convenient and adaptable around your schedule and lifestyle, enabling you to benefit from the program's wisdom and guidance.

Targeting various aspects of life in 6 separate programs allows for a deeper and more focused exploration of each area, ultimately leading to a more authentic and fulfilling life. Breaking it down into specific programs makes this program more approachable and manageable for individuals looking to improve different facets of their lives.

Covering relationships, career, personal well-being, mindset, and more in separate programs is fundamental to a person's overall satisfaction and success in life.

Join our VIP Premier Club to benefit from two personalized one-on-one calls with your coach, access to our closed Facebook group with 2 online meet ups a week, additional resources and templates to help support you on your journey, plus a free copy of our Ebook Revitalize Your Reality: 450 Affirmations to Transform Your Life!

If you're ready to embark on this journey, sign up now!

70% OFF




Improve your life!


Discover the pieces that are missing

What key elements are within your grasp


Step by step solutions

Learn how to achieve goals with proper planning


Authentic Living

Become the greatest version of yourself living your dreams

Trail of the Heart

Embark on a transformative journey with our renowned Trail of the Heart program, now accessible online!

We've all experienced those moments—feeling stuck in a rut, caught in a cycle, going through the motions without savoring the day's moments.

It's time to break free from that cycle and reignite your zest for life!

Rediscover presence, regain focus, and rekindle excitement!

Join our Trail of the Heart online series and reignite your passion for life!

✔️ Turn your dreams into reality!
✔️ Enhance your relationships!
✔️ Chart new directions!
✔️ Bid farewell to your funk!

Join our VIP Premier Club to receive:

✔️ 2 personalized one-on-one calls with your coach

✔️ Unlimited access to our closed Facebook group

✔️ 2 virtual group meetings a week
✔️ Additional resources and templates for support
✔️ Free copy of our Ebook Revitalize Your Reality: 450 Affirmations to Transform Your Life!

Join this virtual course to get to the heart of what you truly want. Share your truth with like-minded people and help each other grow together in our exclusive group .

Find Connection, Compassion and Direction!

Reach you're full potential to use your talents, skills and attitude to succeed in life! Enjoy the flexibility of doing this incredible program from the comfort of your home. Plus you have the option to complete it with a full day at the ranch once you complete the program.

On this 6 week (or less) journey of personal development, you will search deep within yourself to enhance your quality of life, health and happiness. Turn your dreams into goals and realities! Open up to a new world of possibilities!

With our program

Become the best version of yourself

Learn what's holding you back, discover strategies, and clearly outline what you truly want. Guidance and support throughout the program is available with our private group.

  • 6 Easy to follow programs

  • Go at your own pace to fit around your schedule

  • Transform your life in less than 6 weeks

  • Dive into topics such as relationships, career, mindset, and well-being

  • 2 personalized one-on-one calls with your coach

  • Unlimited access to our closed Facebook group

  • 2 virtual group meetings a week

  • Additional resources and templates for support

  • Free copy of our Ebook Revitalize Your Reality: 450 Affirmations to Transform Your Life!

Trail of the Heart

Discover your authentic self


Make your dream career a reality

Focusing on career development could involve setting career goals, honing skills, navigating professional challenges, networking effectively, and finding fulfillment in one's work.


Improve Relationships

Delve into communication skills, emotional intelligence, building healthy relationships, resolving conflicts, and fostering meaningful connections in both personal and professional spheres.


Find new directions

Discover financial wellness, creativity, time management, or even spirituality, catering to a wide range of personal development needs.


Gain Clarity

Explore cultivating a growth mindset, overcoming limiting beliefs, building resilience, managing emotions, and developing a positive and proactive outlook on life.


Understand Patterns

We will learn about mental and physical health, stress management, self-care practices, mindfulness, nutrition, fitness, and overall well-being strategies.


Learn your greatest assets

Understand your unique strengths, skills, qualities, and experiences.


Payment Options

Basic Plan


One Time Fee

Lifetime Subscription


  • 6 Easy to follow programs

  • Grow and advance through each program

  • Totally flexible to fit around your schedule

  • Exclusive deal for a limited time

  • Go at your pace

  • One-on-one coaching call available for a fee

VIP Premier Package


Per Month x4 months

Lifetime Subscription


  • 6 Easy to follow programs

  • Grow and advance through each program

  • Totally flexible to fit around your schedule

  • 2 personalized one-on-one calls with your coach

  • Unlimited access to our closed Facebook group

  • 2 virtual group meetings a week

  • Additional resources and templates for support

  • Free copy of our Ebook Revitalize Your Reality: 450 Affirmations to Transform Your Life!

  • Exclusive deal for a limited time

Success Story

Discover how Trail of the Heart has changed lives


M. Eve

I wasn't expecting it but I am feeling a change in my mindset, more empowered and more relaxed. It puts things in light that surprised me but it's like meat on a bone for my personal development growth. My healing journey. Thanks!



Guaranteed to improve your life

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